Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's Part of the Process...

I sit down at Quan's cash game tonight out in Centreville.. and boy am I HOT!... Full boat here (on my boy Scanlon who left $70 up on the night)... Trips and top pair + top kicker there... My $30 buy-in had gotten up to a good $80.00 at one point... BUT! I kept on playing... The cards slowed down... And my stack started to dwindle... Chasing a flush here.. Chasing a straight there.. And I'm not even the one to "chase" but I had to try to make a hand at some point (while betting cleverly) ... It gets to the point where I'm down to $15 in chips and I'm all in (it's a little past 2 am and I need to get up early the next day to clean up for my Saturday game tourney / cash game) ... I'm up against two drawing hands w/ our cards flipped over... I'm holding top pair with a queen kicker... So I'm ahead going into the river... A four of spades comes and this kid wins the pot (that includes the rest of my money) with a 4-8 straight.. He was on a flush and straight draw.. so whatever... I immediately called my wife (sorry for waking you up baby) to vent to her... It was rough. At least I only lost my original $30 buy-in... Folks were dropping $60-$100 in that cash game.

I was playing so well tonight and I leave with NOTHING! It's all a process. You have to lose and learn from how you lose before you can REALLY be prepared to win.. right? I'm in this for the long haul. I'm not going anywhere... I'ma turn this into a positive and become even more fierce... Hit the books harder... Play with more concentration... I'm only 3 1/2 months into playing this game and I'm hanging with folks that have been playing for a couple years or more. On the bright side, I'm still here breathing and I went 3 for 4 betting on basketball games tonight... I had to bet against my hometown Rockets - dag.

Nice game Quan... I'll be back!



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