Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Don't get me wrong...

I'm not a quitter... TRUST ME... But I'm done with poker... It's not meant for me and it's been made obvious by recent events (not only last night's at Quan's - even though that was the worst)... Not the lifestyle I'm supposed to be involved in.

This month.. I've gotten the largest grasp of the game.. Strategy and skill wise.. But it hasn't seem to matter much. I'm not being outplayed - I'm being outlucked CONSTANTLY... and not just one bad night.. but almost every night... I hate complaining about luck because I don't really believe "luck" exists ... Ha... But I've seen it exists in poker.. and I'm okay with that... But I've just realized that I have too much (good) going on outside of my fascination with poker to continue to let "luck" dwindle my funds weekly... Now folks... I haven't lost a GANG of money to where I have to go grab a job at McDonald's... But I'm not a fan of losing money at all... So I'ma play it safe from here... Chill and really re-focus on my company ( 'cus I've honestly been putting more focus into poker lately (thank God that I have good a business partner, contractors, and dedicated interns that have picked up the slack recently). It sucks 'cus I know what I'm doing at the table.. and I feel totally in control of how I'm playing and reading how/what my competition is playing... But I can't stand not being able to control how those cards fall.. The dealer has been killing me for about a month now...

I'm not going into a lot of specific hands but the one that pretty much did it was my AA losing to 9c 7c and buddy caught quad nines (this was last night at Quan's cash game)... Yes, he went all-in with 9c 7c PRE-FLOP and I knew he was bluffing.. I've had a chance to watch him play all night.. I had made a standard raise with my rockets pre-flop.. But I guess he thought I was bluffing... So yeah, I didn't 'lay down' the rockets... I called all-in pre-flop... and yeah buddy got the quads on me... Hey, it was his night.. He had caught all types of stuff previous to that AND after that... I guess I was suppose to look deeper into my pocket aces and read his "l-factor" for the night (luck factor? - I guess) and fold my aces... Right? Maybe? I really hope he needed my money haha.

Been fun fellas... I'm proud of myself for being a gentleman through out all the bad beats... I've come a LONG way with my temper.

I'll use my math skills counting the dough that I'll earn from the talents God gave me (music and business skills - not gambling).

Before I go... The person that I'm REALLY rooting for in poker out of all the guys I've played with is Frank... I really think Frank (don't know your last name bro) is the best player I've played with... I think our styles are similar so maybe that's why I like his game... So "good luck" and "good skill" to you homie.. and the rest of the guys I've had a chance to play with.

Peace and Blessings,


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Chris "The Work" Craft said...

Thanks for the response Chris... I'm about 95% sure that this will just be a long long break with some playing here and there... You'll see me again at ya tourney sometime in the future.

Thanks bro,
Chris Craft

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Chris "The Work" Craft said...

Hey Long...

Thanks for the love man... Everything you said I agree with 100%... Me being hurt that night and letting it blow my mind is all about me being super new to the game and the psychology of it... I've been getting ahold of all the skill and strategy stuff that goes a long with the game... but I admit that the "parting with the money" side is something that I've worked on and need to work on some more... I simply needed time to reflect on the whole month and mature.. That's all.. Comments like yours really help me put things into perspective...

December is already looking better (read my most recent post about Vegas) and my mind is steadily getting stronger... Just a whole new element of the game to get used to (the mental)... Speaking of Vegas, did you guys go?... I had a BLAST bro... and left the city with more money than I came with...



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