Friday, June 30, 2006

Arlington Tournament Win + A BIG Lesson!

Sorry for the lack of updates... Poker has been solid lately... I did drop $120 in a cash game at Quan's last night... I couldn't connect with anything! But hey that's okay... I'm really happy that I took down a 19 person tournament in Arlington last Thursday (the 22nd) ... That felt GREAT! ... I played reaaaaally good poker and made a cool $200.00

One dissappointing thing recently was my 4th place finish in another tournament on the Saturday following my win... It was the big tournament comprised of the guys that I first ever played poker with... and honestly.. I was running that game no joke... I felt that I had the most game there.. I caught a guy bluffing with Ace high deep in the tournament and I had ace high also but I had a better kicker.. He put me all in but I knew it didn't make sense.. so I took down that huge pot... I was chip leader for a while after that but a crucial hand crushed me.. when it was four handed and I had Ace-four off.. not a bad hand four handed and I connected with the turn with my ace... But I made a crucial mistake.. I didn't raise pre-flop with my ace while in the big blind... so it opened up a lot of crap hands seeing a cheap flop... Well the person in the small blind (who eventually won the whole tournament) had 5-10 off and flopped two pair... I pushed all in when I connected with my ace on the turn (after he initially bet) and he called quickly... He boated with another 10 on the river... I was honestly crushed and I didn't last too many hands after that... I got PISSED that I lost the chip lead and I honestly went on tilt... I'm mad at myself 'cus I still had enough chips after that crucial hand to play with and I know that my skill probably could've taken me to still win that tournament... YOU LIVE AND YOU LEARN! ... CLEARING THE FIELD WITH THEIR TRASH HANDS IS IMPORTANT SHORT HANDED!!!! ... I will never ever ever ever forget my mistake in that tournament...


Peace and Blessings,
Chris Craft


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