Saturday, December 10, 2005

Howard's Cash Game & Drunk Santa Clause

Howard said he wanted a long blog entry to read... ha... I might need to write this joint in parts today 'cus I'm tired...

The phrase for the night was "bitch tits"... What the hell is "bitch tits"?... This is just one of the many Tourette-like blurtings that came from Drunk Santa aka Trevor... I know dude was rubbing folks wrong a bit when he first walked in.. but after a while, I know folks were enjoying his company and his stupid ass jokes... Folks wanted him to stay anyway just so he could throw his money away to them. Maybe he was just drunk.. who knows.. Word is that he's actually a solid player sober.. OH WELL... I don't believe I'm dedicating this much of this entry to this guy.. but right after I had the feeling that I wanted to punch him in the grill.. I started to have the most incredible home cash game rush I've ever seen.

It was the typical start of the night for me... Aces well played but cracked by KJ... A king flopped I believe and buddy caught a J on the river to give him two pair... But hey.. it's all good... I took it in stride... And I suffered another beat where J 3 got my top pair of queens (I think I had an ace kicker) when a three came on the river and it gave buddy two pair... Right after that hand.. Drunk Santa said "dude fuck your iPod mini" and yes... I was a little heated 'cus:

1. I didn't know this guy
2. I had just suffered a rivering
3. He was a drunk dude with a crusty Santa hat on
4. He had some funky b.o. going and he was directly to my right

So I replied kinda nasty to him by saying "STFU" and right after I told him that... I told the guy that rivered me.. "nice hand"... Ah.. I'm SUCH a gentleman... BUT ALL THIS CRAP DOESN'T MATTER 'CUS MY RUSH WAS ON FROM HERE ON!!

Well the rush didn't officially start until I bluffed out Drunk Santa while holding 2 5 suited.. sweet (I had outs though.. flush and straight drizzaws) ... Oh yeah.. before the rush.. I had to lay down my sex position (6 9) when a pretty aggressive dude (I don't know how to spell your name bro) came over top my $10 bet and went all in... I felt I had him beat with a pair of 6s but there were like 3 over cards on the board, a flush draw, AND a straight draw... I had to lay it down... Man that would've been a great call I think... oh well...

Okay a little on my rush... I didn't even have to be creative tonight ya'll... I seriously wanted to practice playing outside of cards tonight.. but the cards I were getting were just incredible... And I'm proud that I got paid nicely from most of those hands... The game last night was sooooooo loose... But to be honest.. I think people really had good cards (except the guy to the right of Frank that beat me with the J 3 and came over top on my 6 9 hand) ... It was crazy... huuuuge pots... I was taking down pots with K 2, A Q, A K, K Q... Got paid $40+ bucks from this guy fresh from rebuying with $40 when I picked up rockets... Dude was in for like $140+ by the end of the night... soo loose... I took advantage of that and pushed all-in on him... HE CALLED!... He just wanted to gamble... I forgot what he was holding though... I rivered the same guy earlier in the night when we both had our 6s paired (he had me out kicked queen vs. 10) and wow.. a 10 came on the river to give me two pair... Geezus!.. I told him "sorry bro" and he replied that he would've been laughing at me if it was the other way around... Sooooo okey-dokey!

After I had to lay down the 6 9 last night... I was down to like $30 MAYBE... Within the next hour and a half to two hours of play, I ran that stack up to $220.00... I had called 2:00 AM for my cash in time at around 1:30 AM and I honestly made like $70 - $90 within that half hour alone... I cherish my original buy-in fellas and I played with that $20 buy-in all night... And most of my money wasn't even made on big hands like flushes and straights... I hit a straight on the first hand I played for the night... two pair on the rivering of the loose guy on my left... The rest were top pair and top pair / higher kicker... Top pair hands were good all night! It felt so good... I must cherish moments like last night 'cus it won't be like that every time.

Other good cash outs of the night were Frank Kang (he was plus +$120 or so... would've been +$130 if he didn't let Drunk Santa gank him for a $10 stack of chips - Frank knew that was a bad investment into dead / drunk money) and the guy to the right of Frank (the J 3 rivering / 6 9 laydown dude).

Big up to Frank for helping me remember most of this stuff.. Dude has a crazy memory. What a night... "Bitch tits" ya'll... "Bitch tits"... WTF!

More hand analysis in my upcoming posts ya'll... I promise... But I just couldn't have left out the enterainment value of an obnoxious Drunk Santa that's showing random vagina (sorry) on his camera phone... What a nut.

Peace and Blessings,


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